Saturday, October 5, 2019

Carbon Footprint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Carbon Footprint - Essay Example rpool to work, take public transportation, turn off lights, reduce waste, plant trees, use rechargeable batteries, ride bike, reduce waste, print double sided, eat low carbon diet, go organic and buy electric vehicle. By using a more efficient vehicle my emissions will reduce, plants will help in releasing oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide, bike does not have any emission unlike using a vehicle (Ham, et al. 2000). Emissions are also reduced by carpooling even though by driving we increase emission but the number of sources will have reduced. Electric vehicles are more efficient and greener. I will also ensure my engine efficiency by managing my driving speed as the faster you drive the less your engine becomes and by doing this I will level off emissions on freeways. By using public transportation, I will eliminate the emissions from my vehicle. By going organic, I will reduce the chemical toxins in the environment (Ramseur, et al 2008). A day that I chose to reduce my emissions by 50%, the specific changes that I made were, switched from T12 lights to T8 lights, eat a low carbon diet, take public transport to work, ride my bike, reduce my waste, turn off lights. By switching to T8 lights from T12 lights I was able to reduce the power consumption in my house (Pal, et al. 2014). My diet for that day was also of low carbon diet and this helped to reduce my food emission. By taking a public transport I did not have any emission from my vehicle for that day. After work I used my bike to go shopping and this was helpful because it does not have any emission, I tried very hard to recycle what I could so as to reduce my waste of the day. By turning off the lights that I did not require, I greatly reduced my power consumption of the day. I succeeded in all I had planned. I succeeded because I was determined to achieve that even though it was not easy. It only requires dedication and discipline and I had both. It was I little bit hard for me. Like I am used to driving

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